SIOE 2020 : program
The Society for Institutional and Organizational Economics (SIOE) studies institutions and organizations, largely but not entirely from the perspective of economics. In 2020, SIOE was to hold its annual conference at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), but the in-person conference was canceled.
All of the submissions to the conference were assessed by members of the conference's executive committee and program committee (both listed below). Accepted papers were then organized into sessions that would have been presented at the in-person conference.
There were ten broad areas for submissions. This version of the program first organizes sessions into those ten areas and then lists the papers within each session.
1. Governance within organizations
Such as motivation & incentives, communication & decision-making, delegation, management practices, organizational culture, structure, corporate governance
- Corporate Governance
- Compensation
- Effects of Organizational Form
- Frontiers in Empirical Management
- Incentives and Information
- Incentives and Managers
- Incentives: Field Experiments
- Narratives, Persuasion and Learning
- Organizational Structures
- Selection and Promotion
- Talent in Organizations
2. Governance between organizations
Such as formal contracts, relational contracts, alliances, procurement, vertical integration, lateral integration, franchising, hybrid organizational forms
- Auctions and Procurement
- Bargaining Empirics
- Vertical Contracts and Bundling
- Information Acquisition Between Firms
- Manipulation and Collusion
- Networks and governance of organizations
- Networks, Complementarity, and Organization
- Property Rights Inside and Outside the Firm
- Governing Large-Scale Investments
3. Polycentric governance *
Such as communities, cooperatives, common-pool resources, associations, leagues, organized crime, treaties, networks, social movements, collective action
- Community enforcement and cooperation
- Informal Polycentric Governance
- Law and Public Policy of Polycentric Governance
* Inspired by Ostrom (2010), polycentric governance here means collaboration among at least three entities, at least two of which cannot merge with or be acquired by another.
4. Institutions and organizations in the public sector
Such as bureaucracy, legislatures, political parties, constitutions, courts, federalism, publicprivate partnerships, regulation
- Bargaining in Judicial Systems
- Evaluation and Monitoring in Public Organizations
- Firms and politicians' strategies in public procurement imperfect markets: new evidence from Russia
- Uncertainty and Spending in Public Organizations
- Governance of the Environment
- Local Political Institutions
- Media, Polarization and Political Institutions
- Organization of the Public Sector
- Governance Decisions in Organizations
5. Institutions and organizations in political economy
Such as autocracy, transition, reform, corruption, rule of law, property rights, enforcement of law
- Firms and Politics
- Institutions and Growth in Economic History
- Power and Governance
- The Political Economy of Developing Business Environment in China
- Three New Books on NIE: A Roundtable Discussion
- Institutional Design
- Bureaucracy
- Corruption and Misallocation
- Crime and Justice
- History, Political Economy
- Trust and Network
- Political Economy of Technology
6. Culture and institutions
Such as religion, slavery, race, gender, media, norms
- Conflict and Crime
- Culture and Institutions
- Economic Shocks, Culture and Institutions
- Measurement of Institutions
- Moral Values, Institutions, and Organizations
- Racial, Gender, and Intergenerational Inequality
- Transmission of Political and Social Preferences in Authoritarian Regimes
- Culture and Norms
7. Institutions and organizations in economic development and growth
Topics such as those above, in low-income and/or weakly institutionalized settings
- Firms in Low Income Countries
- Management and Development
- Private Sector Frictions in Low Income Countries
- Tackling Information Asymmetries in Low Income Countries
- Frontier of Comparative Economics - Handbook of Comparative Economics
- Judges and Development
- Corruption
8. Law, in the study of institutions or organizations
Topics such as those above, from the perspective of law—including case studies of institutions in action, relational contracts (in theory or practice), and public choice
- Property and Organizations
- Contracts and Institutions
- Contracts: Doctrinal and Theoretical Issues
- Corporate Political Activity, Disclosure and Corruption
- Group Structure and Value Creation: Networks and Social Capital
- Legal System Design
- Looking at Contracts Through a Managerial Lens
- The economic organization of Indian slums
9. Political Science, in the study of institutions or organizations
Topics such as those above, from the perspective of political science—including bureaucratic politics, electoral institutions, legislative institutions, parties, corruption, clientelism, regime type & change, state building & capacity, informal institutions
- Bureaucracy, Political Institutions, and Power Sharing
- Conflict, Defense, and Political Violence
- Historical Political Economy
- Political Accountability, Instability, and Government Performance
- Political Elites, State Capacity, and (De)centralization
- Russian, Ukrainian, and Russian-Ukrainian political economy
10. Strategic Management, in the study of institutions or organizations
Topics such as those above, from the perspective of strategy—including knowledge, capability, innovation, technology, top management teams, boards, diversication, alliances, nonmarket strategy, stakeholders
- Entrepreneurial State and New Economy
- Human Resource Management and Value Creation in Firms
- Innovation in Organizations
- Managing Social Comparisons in Organizations
- Matching talent within and across organizations
- Social Impact and Financial Returns: The Role of Firms
- Technology and Governance in Organizations
- Property Rights and Productivity