Plural Forms in Brazil’s Automobile Fuel Distribution Sector: Evaluation of the Profile and Stability of Plural Governance in São Paulo State

Selene de Souza Siqueira Soares (Universidade de São Paulo (FEAUSP))
Maria Sylvia Macchione Saes (Universidade de São Paulo (FEAUSP))

Abstract: This paper is dedicated to the study of governances adopted by fuel distributors in their transactions with gas station retailers in the state of São Paulo. With the deregulation of the market, plural forms were allowed and have been a recurring presence. This paper argues that the plural forms found are transitory, not as a result of increased efficiency and reduced transaction costs, but because plural forms have become a key strategic step in securing business partners and promoting greater growth of the firm. Moreover, it is argued that the institutional environment has a significant influence on the coordination of plural forms, directly interfering with their stability.

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