Business History: a Lantern on the Stern?

Decio Zylbersztajn (Universidade de São Paulo - USP/Brazil)
Caroline Gonçalves (Universidade de São Paulo - USP/Brazil)

Abstract: How can the economics of organization evolve to be useful as an approach to business history? The answer depends on its capacity to handle the diversity, origin, and evolution of particular institutional arrangements observed in particular industries. The ad hoc and purely descriptive approach to the behavior and evolution of specific enterprises, industries, and business practices runs the risk of tautological explanations, which is the main reason to choose some theoretical support for the analysis. This is what motivates this work: first, to contribute to smooth the interface between the vaguely-defined field of business history and the yet-to-be-consolidated field of economics of organization; and second, to contribute to the discussion of the micro-dimensionality of firms from a historical perspective, with a focus on uncertainty.

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